Add Yahoo! Messenger to Blog

Do you know what is Yahoo! messenger? I sure you is surely knew it. Yahoo! messenger is one of service very popular in the world. Then what his relation with blog? some blogger wish to be in his blog attached yahoo ! messenger icon , hence if him online in yahoo! messenger can in knowing by his blog visitor and also can easy to in contacting for chatting. If you ask to me, can yahoo! messenger icon add at blog? the answer is can, and not only that, we can choose icon what is will add. The choice is differentiated in 10 choice, you remain to choose style ID which which is compatible according to your :

This is the style ID of yahoo! messenger icon :

YM icon
Allright, to placed the yahoo! messenger icon just place this code at your sidebar :

<a href="ymsgr:addfriend?YOURID"><img src="" border="0"></a>
For example. If your yahoo ID is, your ID is xxxxx, So the code for yahoo! messenger icon with choice Style ID 9 is as follows :
<a href="ymsgr:addfriend?balakasadut24"><img src="" border="0"></a> Now, how to place the code to your blog. Follow the teps :
  1. Login to blogger with your ID.
  2. After entering the dasboard page , click Layout.
  3. Click at Page Element tab.
  4. Click at Add a Page element.
  5. After emerging pop up window , click add to blog button for the things HTML/JavaScript.
  6. Copy and paste the code below into available column :
  7. Change YOURID with your yahoo ID and StyleID with number of your choice.
  8. Click   save changes   
  9. Finish. Please see the result.


  1. Hi, please follow me

  2. Kunjungan Balik Sob...jgn lupa Follow yah..

  3. datang berkunjung ..folow aq yah

  4. kunjungan balik sobat :)
    udh ku bfollow,,follback yah...
    oy mn nih buku tamux??

  5. kunjungan balik sobat, cara ini sudah saya pake bener - bener mantap.
    Untuk blogger jawa barat mohon gabung di komunitas blogger jawa barat..untuk ikut tinggal klik di banner di blog saya.
    terima kasih

  6. hadir di pagi hari sob,,
    oy follback donk,,alx udh ku follow tuh.. :)

  7. hai sob.. blog waking nich.. visit back ya...
