Want to be free of dandruff, avoid these foods

Dandruff, most people do definitely very unhappy if dandruff hair. Average answer would be embarrassed if you have dandruff hair. So from where the appearance of dandruff? Some people say that the appearance of dandruff is triggered by lifestyle, but not entirely true because dandruff appears to result from the food consumed. Below are some foods that can cause dandruff, and even aggravate dandruff.

Want to be free of dandruff, avoid these foods


1. Dairy foods.
Milk and its derivatives reduce the resistance of the condition of the scalp and dandruff trigger.

2. Fried.
Fried foods (fried foods) stimulate excess oil on the scalp and cause flaky scalp from moist to dry and vice versa.

3. Food Containing Sugar.
Foods with high sugar content may aggravate the condition of your scalp is dandruff.
Avoid excessive consumption of sugar in a week. Replace sugary snacks with fresh fruits.

4. Spicy food.
Spicy foods have the same potential with fried foods. Food like this is able to trigger the appearance of dandruff because it stimulates the production of excess oil into the scalp.

5. Food Too Hot.
Consuming foods that are too hot can stimulate our body condition from head to digestion. The cause increased body temperature and body adjustments affect skin and hair condition.

That is some food, which can cause the appearance of dandruff that you can avoid that dandruff is not worse or disappear altogether from your head.

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