How to gain weight naturally

You are not confident because they feel thin, and if you want to gain weight? If it is like that, and had a variety of ways but do not get the expected results. Even some people want to gain weight / fat with taking the drug. However, there are many ways to fatten the body without drugs that fatten the body naturally.

How to gain weight naturally


Well, this time give me time to assist you in adding weight naturally by maximizing food. Because some foods can add, weight and you do not need to take your medicine. These foods include:

in order for your body into a fat, multiply eat bread. However, you also have to choose bread made from whole wheat. You obese so healthy and so the body contains.

this food also helps you to gain weight. Of course, eating cereals made from whole grains and nutritious. That way, your body fat and remain ideal.

Vegetables and Fruits
the body is in need of adequate nutrition. Therefore, for those who want to be fat multiply consume fruits and vegetables. Because of both of these foods, will help fatten your body. Besides these foods, also helps expedite metabolism. So that the body remains healthy.

Olive Oil
Good oil and can nourish the body is olive oil. This oil is not saturated oil. However, oil -containing amino acids and vitamins that are good for health. Therefore, for those who want to gain weight. Should multiply the consumption of olive oil, whole grains and nuts.

For those of you who want to have the ideal body fat and, should multiply to consume meat. However, you also have to compensate for eating vegetables and fruits. You obese so healthy and ideal.

Red Wine
This food can also help you as weight gain. Red wine also serves combating cholesterol in the body. In addition, red wine also helps digest meat, garlic, and onions.

After you read about food weight gain, you can deploy an on everyday life so that you gain weight naturally.

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